EXECSW.ASC Keywords: KOKKONEN SWAP APR89 PASCAL A method for gaining more apparent memory from DOS. In Turbo Pascal 5.0 it should convert to C fairly easily. From the article by Kim Kokkonen in the April 1989 DDJ. LRU.C Keywords: LRU APR89 Full listing for LRU technique described in the sidebar to the _Virtual Demand Paged Memory_ article in Apri, 1989, DDJ. MEMCMP.ASC Keywords: MEMORY COMPACTOR C DOS APR89 A memory compactor - gathers fragmented memory into larger, and more useful blocks, by relocating program code into contiguous segments. Useful when running in a windowing envionment that fragments memory badly - the usual case due to a damaged memory management design in DOS. Also useful if built as a utility for freeing those pesky unfreed blocks left by some programs that do their own memory management. PALETT.ASC Keywords: C GRAPHICS PORTER APR89 Code from Kent's Graphics Programming column - this month how to mix colors on the EGA/VGA. Taking this base color set, Kent shows how to mix & patch, and create something more. PROTO Keywords: C STEVENS XMODEM APR89 Al Stevens extends SmallComm this month with a module that adds the Xmodem protocol and a Phone directory. SWAP.ASC Keywords: SWAP ASM MAK APR89 DDJ Source for Nico Mak's DOS swapper. VIRSCR.ASC Keywords: DUNTEMAN PASCAL SCREEN APR89 Jeff Dunteman's Structured programming column for April - this month a virtual screen manager.